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- When The Writing Gets Tough, the Tough Get Writing
- My Grandmother’s Chutzpah
- Feature in Judith Magazine on Joyful Song: A Naming Story
- Feature in Judith Magazine: “Every Life is Beloved; Every Death, a Tragedy”
- “I’m Here” (a micro-memoir)
- Picture This: The Writer/Editor/Illustrator/Art Director Dance
- Yes And
- Well and Good
- Interview in Wyoming Tribune Eagle about “Always Matt”
- 13 Ways of Surprising Yourself and Your Reader
- Tribute to Patricia MacLachlan
- The best books about the loving bond between people and cats
- Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Diverse Verse article about October Mourning
- Book Riot Interview about Heather Has Two Mommies
- Saying Goodbye to Ginzy
- Tribute to Lesléa Newman from Straw Dog Writers
- Article on Lesléa from The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women
- “My Mother and I Had Reconciled”
- “The Poetic Justice of Grief”
- “Poetry = Life”
- “The Uninvited”
- Kirby Larson: Friend Friday
- The Real Gittel of Gittel’s Journey: An Ellis Island Story – Jewish Book Council
- Backstory of poem, “That Night”
- The Gender Dance
- “They’re Bullying a Book About Bullying”
- The Way We Were: Life Before the Orlando Shooting
- “Stealing Away:” On Writing Imitation Poetry
- Married Once (or twice) And For All
- Like Mother, Like Daughter
- Windows and Mirrors
- No Crying Aloud
- A Second Life for Heather Has Two Mommies
- The Controversial Heather Has Two Mommies Is Back 25 Years Later
- Heather Has Two Mommies Turns Twenty-Five
- Heather Has Two Mommies: A Pretty Typical Family
- Great Expectations: The Journey of Heather Has Two Mommies
- Dear Professor H.
- Fifty-eight and Counting
- Best Friends
- Parting Gifts
- Writing October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard
- The Mother Daughter Bond Outlives Death
- A Supremely Big Day (Huffington Post, June 26, 2013)
- Coming Full Circle: Stonewall, My Mother, and Me (Huffington Post, 2013)
- October Mourning and Tikkun Olam (2012)
- Can You Spare a Minute? A Tribute to Matthew Shepard (2012)
- Beaming on the Bima
- How Do I Love Marge Piercy?
- Honoring Matthew Shepard
- Fun With Formal Poetry
- Q&A: A Letter to Harvey Milk
- Shouldering on: How Homophobia Hurts Us All (2008)
- Review of Dinner With Osama by Marilyn Krysl (2008)
- Holy Matrimony! (2004)
- Review of Mules of Love (2003)
- Happy Birthday, Heather! (2000)
- Review of Hard Love (2000)
- Passing Fancy (1999)
- Cher Bliss (1998)
- Imagine (for Matthew Shepard 1976-1998)
- Out of the Slush Pile and Onto the Shelves (1998)
- Review of “Marianne Faithfull’s Cigarette” by Gerry Gomez Pearlberg (1998)
- Allen, Adieu (a tribute to Allen Ginsberg, 1997)